The function of the meetings of the Board of Morrisville Public Library is to conduct the business before the Board. This is done in compliance with New York State’s Open Meetings Law. Although Library Board meetings are not public hearing, the Board encourages public attendance and provides an opportunity for public comment.
Time is reserved at the beginning of each Board meeting for public comment. Public comment is limited to this period with a maximum of three minutes for each speaker. There will be no more than a total of 30 minutes for public comment, except by consent of the Board. The public may observe, but has no right to address the Library Board during any other matters before or after the public comment period.
Members of the public who wish to speak must identify themselves and provide their address and group affiliation (if any) to the Board as a preface to their three-minute speaking limit.
Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. Discussions or comments between speakers and the audience will not be allowed. During the course of the public comment period, the audience will refrain from applause, cheers, boos, clapping, ovations, disruptive gestures, or outbursts of any kind.
Board members may, with the permission of the Board President, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarification or information.
Public comments are addressed to the entire Library Board and will be taken into consideration during the meeting’s business and/or afterward as appropriate. Neither the Library Manager nor the Library Board members will respond to the comments during the public comment period.
The Board President retains the right to stop any speaker who raises an issue that is not library related.
In the unlikely event that any person(s) speaking during the public comment period exceeds the time limit or violates the library’s Public Code of Behavior or any other applicable rule or law, the Board President will declare that person to be out of order, the person must stop speaking, and the appropriate action is taken in the context of the rule or law violated and the severity of the violation.
Public comment becomes part of the record of the meeting via inclusion in the meeting minutes.
The Library Board of Trustees would like to make it clear that it welcomes comments from the public and in no way wants to omit discussion. However, we ask that you address administrative matters or any topics of interest regarding the Library to the Library Manager prior to coming before the Board. Many matters can and will be resolved if the Manager is given the opportunity.
The Board reserves the right to override the above rules in case of emergency or other unforeseen circumstances.
Adopted September 19, 2023