Morrisville Public Library News
by Michelle A. Rounds
Library Manager
May 27, 2020
Sixty plus days…60+ days of the library doors being closed. I am ready to reopen; I have been ready for ages, I want to get you all some materials! I know you are out of books and DVD’s. I have a strong reopen plan ready that starts with no contact pickup and goes through other stages until we reopen again fully. We just need to wait until Governor Cuomo says we can. I have my fingers crossed he lets us open in Phase 2 for no contact pick up!
Nothing like bad news and more bad news this week. We have decided for everyone’s safety that we would not be doing an in-house summer reading program this year. But, we will host an AWESOME virtual one instead! Stay tuned as we hope to get our website updated soon with all the fun! For now, here is an overview of all the fun coming this summer! Imagine Your Summer @ the Morrisville Public Library starting Monday, June 29 at 12pm through Friday, August 21 at 8pm! 8 weeks of fun! Virtually log read time using read squared (with an offline alternative). Virtual Jeopardy, Concentration, and Estimation Jars contests! Imagine Your Story Lego Contest, Imagine Your Story No Contact Mural, Kiddies Korner Story Time on Thursdays, Teen Virtual reading, Make and Take Crafts each week, 4 Scavenger Hunts around the community, online Family Trivia nights, 3 Virtual Escape Rooms on Facebook Live! Every Monday we will reveal our weekly roundup on our website and Facebook of all the week’s activities and we will have a virtual Summer Reading awards ceremony to end the summer!
Some reminders: our book drop is closed so please keep all of our materials as they have been renewed for you until we reopen. If you are trying out our digital services and need help, have problems with your library card number etc., want to check out e-books, watch movies, get audiobooks, read magazines and need help, please email me at: and I will get you the help you need!
Please stay safe and well and talk to you all soon! I miss each and every one of you!
May 13, 2020
I know our physical building is closed and many of you have run out of physical materials to read and/or watch. Every day I view Governor Cuomo’s press conference waiting for the green light to open our library; even for curbside (no contact pick up) to get you some materials. Right now we have to be 100% closed, but as soon as he gives me even a little wiggle room, I am working on our Infectious Disease Preparedness and Recovery Plan. I want to be ready when we can begin offering any services other than online only. I have been working on ways to get the inside of the library prepared for our “new normal” too. Rest assured we will offer as many of our regular services as we can while we progress to the new normal. Additionally upon reopening, we will have rigorous safety and sanitation protocols to keep all staff and patrons healthy. But, right now, we are not really considered essential so that concerns me when it comes to opening. Many of us will agree, our books and movies are essential pastimes! But, we must respect our governor and make sure we do what is best. We surely don’t want to reopen and then have to close up shop again for another few months!
In the meantime, we have had to cancel all in house programming and meeting areas until further notice. This will most likely stay in effect even after we reopen for a bit. For now we still continue to have various virtual programs. Check out our webpage for these: (or see below for a couple!)
Have you participated in our Chat around the Circulation Desk program yet? Every Thursday night at 6:30pm we all get together and chat on whatever we want to! A book we read, a movie we watched, how everyone is doing, anything that we want to chat about! All you need is a phone or computer with speakers (and a webcam and mic if you want us to see or hear you)! Join your hosts, Michelle and Jennifer! We put the link and phone number every Wednesday on our Facebook page and our website! (Links and numbers change every week.)
Seeing as our April LEGO Your Boredom contest was such a hit, we are doing another one in May! All the fun began on Tuesday May 5 and runs through May 19 at 8pm. All Lego Enthusiasts (1-100+yrs) can build an original Lego creation based on one of the holidays featured on our Facebook page and website that are typically celebrated in the month of May. You have until Tuesday May 19 at 8pm to build your creation! When your creation is complete, please send a photo of it to us via Facebook message or email it to us at! Please note that photos of your creation will be put up for a vote, creations should be made so that they can be viewed in their entirety in a photo. Participants’ creations will be voted on later by our social media viewers! The winner of the contest will receive a Kindle Fire donated by an anonymous donor who wants someone to smile in this time of uncertainty. Happy building!
Some reminders: our book drop is closed so please keep all of our materials as they have been renewed for you until we reopen. If you are trying out our digital services and need help, have problems with your library card number etc., want to check out e-books, watch movies, get audiobooks, read magazines and need help, please email me at: and I will get you the help you need!
Please stay safe and well and talk to you all soon! I miss each and every one of you!