Friday August 2– To the Milky Way and Beyond- 6:30pm
Join us for some intergalactic adventures as we travel beyond the Milky Way! Crafts, games and fun will be had!
Saturday August 3– LIBRARY CLOSED
Monday August 5– Play Mahjong!- 1:00pm-3:00pm
Like to play Mahjong? Want to learn how to play without using the computer? Willing to teach young and old! Join the fun every Monday afternoon at the library!
Monday August 5– Movie Matinee #4- Apollo 13 (PG)-CANCELLED
Tuesday August 6– Summer Reading Story Hour- 10:00am
Bring your preschool child (ages 2-5) for our summer time story hour! We will be reading stories about “Blast off to Reading!” Make a craft, hear some stories and more! (Be sure to join us starting October 1 on every Tuesday for our preschool story hour!)
Wednesday August 7– Out of the Cage Pet Mobile -6:30pm
Join Jennifer Clark as she brings her traveling exotic petting zoo to our library. She will be bringing 6 different animals to learn about as well as see and touch!
Friday August 9– Under the Stars/Magic in the Sky! -6:30pm
Come join us as we have fun with stars and the magic that is in our sky! Games, a craft and more!
Friday August 9– Summer Reading Ends- 8:00pm
Get your records in at the library and make sure you have read at least ten hours!
Saturday August 10– LIBRARY CLOSED
Monday August 12– Play Mahjong!- 1:00pm-3:00pm
Like to play Mahjong? Want to learn how to play without using the computer? Willing to teach young and old! Join the fun every Monday afternoon at the library!
Monday August 12– Movie Matinee #5- Gravity (PG-13)- 2:00pm
For our last matinee of the summer, we will be showing the movie, Gravity! We provide the popcorn; bring your own beverage! Come join us for our last Out of this World Space Matinee!
Wednesday August 14– SRP Graduation- 6:30pm
All the children who completed the ten hour reading requirement will be invited to this ceremony. Prizes, t-shirts, certificates and ice cream sundaes! AND, IF THE CHILDREN READ 1100 HOURS COLLECTIVELY, THEY CAN COLOR THE LIBRARY MANAGER!
Friday August 16– Library Lock-In- 8:00pm (until 8am Saturday morning)
Families/ people can come stay the night at the library and play video and board games, work on a puzzle, create crafts, use the computers, watch movies, eat food, and lots LOTS more! (Some reminders: no one under 6–too long of a time for littles-no exceptions, and you cannot come for a few hours-you have to stay the entire time.) Again this year, the Library Manager will be the guardian of some children if you make arrangements with her ahead of time! BUT, anyone 12 and up can come by themselves AS LONG AS your parent has completed a permission slip (available August 1 at the circulation desk!) All who attend must bring a sleeping bag and pillow (as we do make everyone head to sleep if they are still awake at 4am!) If you want to help plan, donate items etc. please contact the Library Manager!
Saturday August 17– LIBRARY CLOSED
Monday August 19– Play Mahjong!- 1:00pm-3:00pm
Like to play Mahjong? Want to learn how to play without using the computer? Willing to teach young and old! Join the fun every Monday afternoon at the library!
Monday August 19– Out of this World Tie Dye- 6:30pm
We will be doing some Out of the This World tie dying this summer! Please bring a
100% pre-washed cotton item or items (i.e.-t-shirt, handkerchief etc). Please dress to get messy as well! (We will not provide cotton items; people must bring their own.) Open to all ages; young and old!!
Wednesday August 21– Coding Cars with 4-H- 6:30pm
Join 4-H Resource Educator, Craig Brown, as he helps us to code a video game using Scratch! Make sure your parents come at 8pm as we plan to showcase all the games you created! This program is open to ages 8-14 only and we have limited spaces available! So please make sure you sign up starting August 1 at the circulation desk!
Friday August 23– Family Movie Night- 7:00pm
We will be showing Detective Pikachu (rated PG). Popcorn as always will be provided; you bring your own beverage!
Saturday August 24– LIBRARY CLOSED
Monday August 26– Play Mahjong!- 1:00pm-3:00pm
Like to play Mahjong? Want to learn how to play without using the computer? Willing to teach young and old! Join the fun every Monday afternoon at the library!
Wednesday August 28– Back to School Cards & Treats- CANCELLED
Saturday August 31– LIBRARY CLOSED
The Morrisville Public Library Staff and Trustees hope you all had a great summer with us! We had fun with all of you!