All trustees, staff members and volunteers should make every effort to present a friendly, positive, helpful attitude when working in the Library or when making presentations to the public or the media regarding Library activities.
The patron is the most important person in the Library and the Manager, staff and volunteers should always make as their top priority service to the patron both in actions and philosophy.
A positive and proactive approach shall be taken by all concerned to promote the Library and its activities to the public.
The primary sources of information to the public regarding Library activities shall be by means of the “Morrisville Public Library News” which is published on a weekly basis in the Mid York Weekly, Madison County Courier and the Cazenovia Republican and posters placed in the community.
A programming newsletter will be created every two months for distribution at the local Elementary School and around the community.
Regular and special programming will be advertised in the local newspapers (Cazenovia Republican, Madison County Courier, Mid York Weekly, Syracuse Post Standard, Oneida Daily Dispatch, and the Hi Neighbor) by means of a press release. All press releases shall be reviewed by the Manager before submission to the media.
Every effort shall be made by the staff, volunteers and trustees to foster a cooperative spirit and attitude with other individuals and agencies in the community.
A suggestion box will be available for patrons or others to make comments regarding suggestions for the Library. Each suggestion shall be given serious consideration by the Library Manager. If the person making the suggestion has given their name, all attempts shall be made by the Manager to address the suggestion with said person on an individual basis.
All persons providing service to the Library shall be treated with respect and consideration.
Permission shall be obtained by the owners of any property prior to the posting of flyers advertising Library activities.
Every attempt shall be made to remove all such flyers as soon after the activity as possible.
Thank you letters shall be sent to all donors, program presenters, or other people whose actions positively impact the library as soon as possible. These letters shall be sent by either the Director, Secretary or President of the Board of Trustees (appropriate person to send letter will be determined on a case by case basis).
Adopted 12-22-93