The Morrisville Public Library continually strives to provide library services to all citizens in the Morrisville Eaton School District. The provision of program room space is part of that service. The program room will be available to all groups in the school district or groups providing services to the district residents. The room is available on a first-come first-serve basis with signed contract.
Library programs and functions take precedence over any groups wishing to use the program room. Groups using the room may be asked to move should the need arise to schedule a library event. Every attempt will be made to keep this from happening.
The Library reserves the right to limit the use of the program room by any one group to best accommodate the many requests for this space. There may be no fund raising, promotion of fee-based products or services, sale of items on the premises, or admission fee charged.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet in the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs.
Request for the reservation of the program room will be made at the Library not over the phone. A program room contract must be completed at least 3 business days before the meeting date and can be obtained at the circulation desk. All contracts must be approved by the Library Manager prior to the date of use.
Seating arrangements are the responsibility of the organization using the program room. Chairs and tables must be returned to the storage area in the room at the close of the meeting.
Alcohol and smoking are not permitted. Food and other beverages may be served. Groups should bring their own refreshments, paper products, etc. Minimal kitchen facilities are available. Items in the kitchenette are not to be used. They are for library programs only.
An adult, 21 years or older, must be in charge of all activities in the program room and must be present and responsible at all times during the reserved time. Group members are responsible for the supervision of their children while using the meeting rooms. Group members may not leave unsupervised children in the library.
The cost of repair for any damage to equipment or to the facility caused through misuse or carelessness shall be reimbursed to the library by the signer of the contract using the facilities at the time of the damage. If the library has to have the room professionally cleaned due to your event, you will be required to reimburse the library for the cost.
Groups meeting outside the library hours are responsible for picking up the room key during library hours and for returning the key in the outside book drop. Restroom facilities will not be available when the library is closed.
Any falls or accidents should be reported immediately to the library staff if the building is open. If not, please call the emergency number given with the key.
Capacity of the program room is 95 as set by the Library Board of Trustees and the Village of Morrisville Code Enforcement. This number may not be exceeded.
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to refuse the use of the library program room or cancel any reservation when they deem the action to be in the best interest of the Library.
Contract can be found in Appendix F.
Adopted July 19, 2012