Personnel Policy

A. Social Security
All staff are covered under the Social Security Act. The Library, as an employer, matches contributions of the employee to the Social Security System.

B. Workman’s Compensation
The Library also contributes to Workman’s Compensation for the benefit of the employees in case of disability.

C. Hiring
Appointments and terminations are made by the Library Manager with the approval of the Board of Trustees. According to New York State Education Law Section 226, all personnel actions must be approved by the Library Board of Trustees at the soonest legal meeting possible. The Board creates all positions, establishes salaries and formally appoints the staff upon the recommendation of the library manager.

According to New York State Education Law Section 226, all personnel actions must be approved by the Library Board of Trustees at the soonest legal meeting possible. The Board creates all positions, establishes salaries and formally appoints the staff upon the recommendation of the library manager.

D. Probation
Each new employee serves a probationary period of one year, during which his/her work performance is reviewed and evaluated every three months. The purpose of the probationary period is to determine that the new employee is able, through quantity and quality of work and by ability to work constructively with coworkers and patrons, to make a valuable and lasting contribution to the service program of the Morrisville Public Library. During the probationary period, an employee may be terminated at any time, solely at the discretion of the Library Manager. (Adopted October 16, 2007)

E. Tardiness Policy

Employees are expected to report at their scheduled work time. Time cards should reflect the actual times you are here. If you are more than 7 minutes late, it will be accounted for as 15 minutes. For example, if you arrive at 12:08pm, you will be paid as it was 12:15pm.

Tardiness is unacceptable and will be taken into consideration when pay raises and promotions are discussed. In addition, it may be noted permanently in the employee’s annual job performance evaluation. Habitual tardiness is grounds for dismissal. (Adopted February 15, 2011)

F. Evaluation
The library manager will personally conduct a written evaluation at least once a year of the work performance of all staff members.
The purpose of these reviews is to help employees make progress in their work and to be aware of their standing in the view of their supervisors. The evaluation will include a personal conference during which the employee may ask questions or make comments about the review.

Disagreement with the performance rating may be voiced, and objections to unfavorable ratings may be brought to the attention of the board of trustees in writing.
Performance evaluations will be considered one factor in determining salary increases, re-classifications or dismissals. These evaluations will be made available to the board of trustees for salary review.

G. Promotions
It is the policy of the library to fill vacancies, when possible, by transfer from within, if a candidate with the appropriate experience and qualifications is available and interested.

H. Resignations
A professional wishing to leave the library in good standing should submit his/her resignation in writing one month in advance. At least two weeks notice is requested of all other staff. Letters of resignation should include reasons for leaving. Employees failing to give the required notice will be considered as having resigned “not in good standing”. In the case of the professional staff, the board of trustees would like to have 60 days notice, if at all possible.

I. Dismissal
Dismissals are made for just cause. Procedures for disciplinary action, which may end in dismissal are as follows.

1. Verbal warning.
2. Written reprimand.
3. Written dismissal notice.
Adopted 6-17-2003; Amended February 15, 2011

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