Material Selection Policy

Morrisville Public Library, as an educational institution and cultural center seeks to provide carefully selected materials which aid individuals of all age levels in pursuit of their educational and informational needs as well as in use of their leisure time.

The accelerating tempo of life today makes easy access to recorded knowledge in any form a great necessity.  This abundance of information and knowledge makes that task of selecting library materials for the community a crucial one.

The purpose of the Morrisville Public Library Material Selection Policy is to guide the librarian and inform the public about the principles on which selections are based.

Objectives of Selection.  Selection may be defined as the decision that must be made to add specific material to the collection and to retain or delete materials already in the collection.  The primary objectives of the policy are:

  • To maintain a well balanced and broad collection of materials for information and reference.
  • To provide materials which support educational, cultural and civic activities in the community.
  • To provide materials for recreation and enlightenment.
  • To provide a selection of ephemeral material.

General Principles

The Library Bill of Rights, adopted by the American Library Association and the Morrisville Public Library, is the basic guiding principle of the Morrisville Public Library selection policy.

Print and non-print materials should be chosen for values of interest and enlightenment of the community.  In no case should any item be excluded because of race, nationality, political or religious views of the authors.  There should be the fullest practical provision of material presenting all points of view, concerning the problems and issues of our times: international, national and local.  Print and non-print matter of sound factual authority should not be proscribed or removed from the Library collection because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

Responsibility for Material Selection

Material selection is and shall be vested in the Manager.  Any material so selected shall be held to be selected by the Library Board of Trustees.

As a practical matter, vehicles for selecting Library material for the Morrisville Public Library are primarily distributed by Mid-York Library System.  These include:

  • Booklist-  A publication that bimonthly summarizes new titles in an authoritative and concise manner.  MYLS attaches a number list on which we indicate our purchase.  Subscription to this publication is billed to the library and may either be paid for out of our own funds or automatically deducted from our incentive grant (if available).
  • Hits-   A monthly publication which provides a listing of  those books expected to perform exceedingly well in the general market.
  • Paperback Advance- A monthly catalog of paperback titles available for purchase.
  • Audio Advance-      A monthly catalog of audio material available for purchase.

In addition, Mid-York Library System will provide on a periodic basis material to assist in the selection process.  The Manager should also monitor the New York Times Best Seller list on a weekly basis if possible.  Additional sources of information regarding materials selection include; reviews in a variety of sources including professional journals, special area journals, local newspapers, and professional books.

Adopted 12-22-93

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