ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Policy or borrowing materials OUTSIDE the Mid York System
Morrisville Public Library offers to its patrons the option to borrow materials from other lending agencies if they cannot be found within the Mid York Library System. This service is an excellent opportunity to be able to get what the patron wants 98% of the time.
When ordering an Interlibrary Loan item, the Library will charge the patron a $3 flat fee per item, payable when the item is ready for pick up. If the patron does not pick up the item, the $3 charge will be added to their library account in Workflows.
Patrons should allow two (2) weeks for requested materials to arrive, although requests often are filled more quickly. Patrons will be contacted when items are ready to be picked up.
Materials on loan from other library systems are to be kept in good condition and returned promptly when they are due. We cannot renew ILL items.
Lost items must be paid for by the borrower at an amount specified by the lending institution, which may include the replacement cost of the book and additional processing fees.
Adopted July 19, 2012; updated March 15, 2018