Gift Acceptance Policy

This policy provides guidelines to be used in facilitation of gifts made directly to the Morrisville Public Library. The Library appreciates and welcomes gifts which the Library determines help enrich public library services and support the mission of the Library.

All gifts are subject to review by the Library Manager to ensure that the gift meets the spirit and intention of the Library’s mission. Restricted monetary gifts will be accepted on the condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Library.


Memorials and Monetary Gifts

The Library will keep a record of the name, address and telephone number of all memorial and monetary donors to the Library.

A record will be kept of the name of the individual memorialized, nature of the gift, and monetary value.

A notice of a memorial gift will be sent to the family of the individual memorialized without mention of the dollar amount. If a book is purchased, the title of the book will be included in the notification.

The responsibility of selection of memorials lies with the Library Manager. The responsibility of selection of real property and stocks will lie with the Board of Trustees.

Although consideration will be given to the donor’s wishes to purchase special materials (either specific titles or subject areas) for memorials, the ultimate decision regarding purchase of materials lies with the Library Manager and will follow the criteria outlines in the materials selection policy.

Real Property and/or Stock

Gifts of real property, and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Board of Trustees and are in accordance with all pertinent laws.

Personal Property, Art Objects, Antiques, Historic Artifacts

Personal property, art objects antiques, historic artifacts and other museum objects will be accepted only on the condition that they may be utilized, sold, given away, or discarded at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and the Library Manager. The Library keeps no record of the final disposition of these gifts.

Estimate of Value

The Library will not estimate the value of gift donations for income tax considerations.  The responsibility for this process lies with the donor.

Gifts in Kind

Gifts in kind will be formally acknowledged for charitable contribution purposes if the donor wishes. The Library will not appraise or estimate the value of gift donations. The responsibility for such assessment lies with the donor, according to IRS regulations.

Wills and Trusts

The Library will accept the designation as beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The Library also will accept bequests under wills and trusts with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees.

Adopted 12-22-93 Amended 9-15-11; 5-20-21, 5-16-23

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