The mission of the Morrisville Public Library is to facilitate creation, collaboration, education, and exploration in our community by providing access to the world of information and ideas.
Morrisville Public Library Goals
1. Popular Materials Center, featuring current, high-demand, high interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages.
2. Independent Learning Center, particularly for non-school age members of our community not being served by our excellent public school and college resources. This includes young children and parents, opening preschoolers’ doors to learning through services for children and children and parents together.
3. Community Information Center, acting as a current information resource concerning community organizations, issues and services.
Article I – NAME AND LOCATION This organization is and shall be known as the Morrisville Public Library, existing by virtue of the provisions in the Provisional Charter Number 23431 granted by the Regents of the University of the State of New York on September 13, 2002 and the absolute charter number 24434 on October 23, 2007 and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under the said charter. The official mailing address shall be: Morrisville Public Library, PO Box 37, Morrisville NY 13408. (Physical address is 83 East Main Street, Morrisville NY 13408).
Article II- PURPOSE & MISSION The mission of the Morrisville Public Library is to facilitate creation, collaboration, education, and exploration in our community by providing access to the world of information and ideas.
The purpose of the Library is to promote and maintain library facilities, resources and services in and for the people of the Morrisville-Eaton Central School District, Madison County, and State of New York.
The library is organized as a school district library. The Library Board of Trustees consists of five (5) members who are elected by the Morrisville Eaton Central School district taxpayers. Board trustees shall serve for five (5) years that begin on July 1 following the election.
Eligibility shall be at least 18 years of age and qualified to vote in the Morrisville Eaton Central School District. He/she must be literate, a citizen of the United States and not be a convicted felon or have been adjudged incompetent. Other requirements include: must be and have been a District resident for twelve (12) months prior to taking office.
Candidates for the office of trustee of the Morrisville Public Library shall be nominated by petition, the nominating petition shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the Morrisville Eaton Central School District, or two percent (2%) of the number of voters who voted in the previous annual election of the Morrisville Eaton Central School District, whichever is greater. It shall state the residence of the candidate(s).
Each petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the Morrisville Eaton Central School District not later than thirty (30) calendar days preceding the school election at which the candidates so nominated are to be elected. Petitions can be picked up at the Morrisville Public Library.
The candidates receiving the majority of votes for the Morrisville Public Library Board of Trustees shall be declared elected in accordance with Education Law.
At any election where more than one Trustee vacancy is being filled, and where one or more persons are to be elected for a full term or terms and one or more persons are to be elected for the unexpired portion of a term or terms, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be entitled to the longest term and the candidates receiving the next highest number of votes shall be entitled, in decreasing order of the respective numbers of votes, to the several vacancies, in decreasing order of the length of such terms or unexpired portions of terms.
The business and affairs of the Morrisville Public Library, a school district library, operates in accordance to standards set forth by The New York State Education Law, Rules of the Board of Regents, and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education pertaining to Libraries, Library Systems, Trustees and Librarians.
The fiscal year of the Morrisville Public Library shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
No trustees shall hold office consecutively for more than three full terms.
The terms of the members of the Board of Trustees shall end on the 30th day of June of the fifth year following election, unless the Trustee shall have resigned or otherwise terminated membership before that date.
Any officer or trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or the Library Manager. Such resignation shall be effective when the notice is delivered and unless the notice specifies a future date; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
Any trustee duly elected or appointed may be removed by a majority of a quorum of the eligible voting members whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Library would be served thereby. A trustee who has been removed from office shall be ineligible for appointment or election to any office of the Morrisville Public Library for a period of one year from the date of such removal.
In the event of death, resignation, refusal to serve or any disqualification of a board trustee, the Board may appoint a new member to fill such a vacancy. If the Board chooses to fill a vacancy, it shall only be for a term ending with the next annual election of the Morrisville Eaton Central School District at which time such vacancy shall be filled in a regular manner for the balance of the unexpired term.
All Library Trustees serve without compensation.
Trustees and officers are required to take an Oath of Office before beginning their service.
All actions of the board shall be of the Board as a unit. No Board member shall act alone on behalf of the Board, on any matter, without prior approval of the Board. No Board member by virtue of his/her office shall exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the library nor, as an individual, command the services of any library employee.
The Officers of the Board of Trustees shall be elected at the first regular (annual) meeting in January. They shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary; all to be elected from the membership of the Board.
Officers shall serve a term of one year from the January meeting until their successors are duly elected at the January meeting of the following year. An officer may succeed himself, however, that officer shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same position.
Spouses or significant others cannot hold simultaneous officer positions during a term. In the event that the spouse or significant other of the sitting Library Manager is elected to the Board of Trustees, they may not hold an officer position.
Nominations may be made from the floor. If two or more candidates are nominated for one office, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
President of the Board:
Purpose: The president is the senior volunteer leader of the library who presides at all meeting of the library board of trustees and other meetings as required. The board president oversees implementation of library and local policies and ensures that appropriate administrative systems are established and maintained.
Key Responsibilities:
Works with the library manager to plan the meeting agenda and the manner in which the meeting will be conducted. The President must deliver to the manager, a written agenda of the forthcoming board meeting 7 days prior to the meeting date in order for the library manager to distribute the board packets in a timely manner.
Appoints board members and others to committees with board consent. The President must have a clear understanding of each board member’s skills, strengths, and interests so that appropriate assignments can be made. It is also the President’s responsibility to make sure that the committee assignments are clear and to hold the committees accountable to do the job assigned. The president is an ex-officio member of every committee and attends their meetings when invited.
Recognizes his or her responsibility to set the example for other board members.
Keeps an overall view of the board year and ensures that the board is completing duties mandated by board policy or law.
Must insure adherence to the agenda, completion of items on the agenda and that the meetings are kept moving forward in a professional and timely manner. The Board President serves as a discussion leader and must also ensure that all board members have the opportunity for fair participation; attempts to get all sides of an issue fairly exposed, and moves the board to action on the issues.
Must be able to interpret board needs and concerns to the Library Manager and the Manager’s needs and concerns to the board. In addition, the President offers personal support and counsel to the Library Manager and serves as a sounding board to the Manager.
Promote teamwork among board members. Where there is danger of damage to the function of the team, the President must mediate and counsel fellow board members.
Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
Plays a leading role in fundraising activities.
Formally evaluates the performance of the Library Manager and informally evaluates the effectiveness of the board members. Periodically consult with board members on their roles helping them assess their performance.
Evaluates annually the performance of the organization in achieving its mission and focus the board’s attention and assessment of its own structure, role and relationship to management.
Sets board meeting times and locations.
Serve as chief spokesperson for the library board. When the board president speaks on behalf of the library, he or she must reflect the adopted positions of the board, not personal views.
Work in partnership with the Library Manager to achieve the mission of the library and make sure board resolutions are carried out.
The Board President must be understood to have no power beyond that of any other board member unless the full board has granted that power to the president. For example: the board may delegate specific powers to the Board President, such as managing board meetings, speaking to the public on the behalf of the board or signing contracts on behalf of the board.
Vice President of the Board:
Purpose: To preside in board president’s absence.
Key Responsibilities:
Usually assigned additional specific duties such as chairing a committee or preparing for special board events.
Must work with the Board President to stay current on the library business and board operation so that the Vice-President could assume President’s duties if the President could not carry them out.
Perform President’s responsibilities when the president is not available.
Accepts responsibilities as delegated by the board president.
Secretary of the Board:
Purpose: To keep accurate records of the library.
Key Responsibilities:
Certify and keep at the library a copy of the bylaws as amended or otherwise altered to date. Monitor the official manual of board approved bylaws and policies.
Manages minutes of the board meetings. Minutes shall record time and place of meetings, whether a regular, special, how called, how notice was therefore given, the names of those present or represented at the meeting and the proceedings thereof.
Shall deliver a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to the Library Manager within 14 days of the meeting in order for the Library Manager to post on the Library’s website as per state law.
Will conduct all correspondence, in a timely manner, on behalf of the Board.
Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of the library’s records.
Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, bylaws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings.
Presides over meetings when the president and vice-president are absent.
Prepares and maintains a list of all board members and their contact information.
Provide notice of board meetings and committee meetings when such notice is required.
Secretary will sign such official papers as is necessary including, but not limited to contracts, grant applications and leases.
In the absence of the secretary, the President shall appoint an acting secretary.
The preparation of the board minutes may be assigned to the Library Manager, but if delegated, the process is completed with the oversight of the secretary.
Board Trustee:
Purpose: A member of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the Morrisville Public Library fulfills its mission by planning for the future, monitoring operations, and evaluating the library’s performance. A board member must fulfill fiduciary responsibilities of the board of trustees, making decisions that protect the public interest.
Key Responsibilities:
Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings.
Makes serious commitment to participate actively in committee work.
Volunteers for and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
Stays informed about committee matters, prepares themselves well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports.
Gets to know other board members and builds collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
Participates in fundraising for the organization.
Advance the mission of the Morrisville Public Library
Keep up-to-date on developments in the Library field.
Be informed about the library’s mission, services, policies and programs; inform others about the library, and work to enhance the library’s public image.
Actively promote the mission of the library by contributing ideas and expertise.
Participate in the development of a strategic plan to accomplish the mission, oversee its implementation and evaluate its success.
Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and/or committee meetings.
Serve on a committee and periodically take on special assignments.
Suggest nominees to the board who can make significant contributions to the work of the board and to the library.
Follow conflict of interest, code of ethics and confidentiality policies.
Committee Chair Person:
Purpose: The committee chair is the senior person on the committee who ensures the committee stays on target and completes the task at hand.
Key Responsibilities:
Is a member of the board or if chosen by the board can be the Library Manager.
Sets the tone for the committee work.
Ensures that members have the information needed to do their jobs.
Oversees the logistics of committee’s operations.
Reports to the Board President.
Reports to the full board on committee’s decisions/recommendations.
Works closely with the Library Manager (if needed).
Assigns work to the committee members, sets the agenda and runs the meetings, and ensures distribution of the meeting minutes.
Failure to follow policy or abide by established duties of a Trustee/Officer, as declared in the Library Mission Statement and By-Laws, may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Trustees which may include forced removal from office or the Board.
The regular meetings shall be held every other month on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm starting in January. Notice thereof shall be given to all Trustees by the President at least one week prior to each such meeting. Legal notice shall be published as of the first of January each year for six bi-monthly meetings. Any change shall be posted seventy-two hours prior in the library.
The annual meeting shall be held in January of each year. The business transacted at this meeting shall include the presentation of operating and financial reports for the previous year, and presentation of the final budget for the subsequent calendar year. Election of officers will also take place at this time by the membership of the board.
Special meeting may be called by the President, or at the request of two or more Trustees, for the transaction of business as stated in the call for such special meetings.
A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the entire Board (i.e. three Trustees). In the absence of a quorum, the Trustees present may adjourn the meeting to a date determined, notice of which shall be given to all Trustees.
A majority vote of all Trustees present shall be necessary for the adoption or passage of any resolution, order, or motion.
The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items, which shall be covered in the sequence shown insofar as circumstances permit:
Call of members
Pledge of Allegiance
Disposition of minutes of previous meeting
Financial report
Report of the Library Manager
Committee/coordinator reports
Old Business
New Business
Action on bills received
Announcements and adjournments
The Library Manager shall attend all meetings (except those meetings or parts of meetings at which appointment or related matters are discussed or decided), may participate in all deliberations and offer professional advice, but may not vote upon any question.
For all contingencies not provided for in this or any other section, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the final authority.
If any trustee shall be absent from more than 2 of all (regular and special) meetings in a calendar year without excuse as accepted as satisfactory** by the trustees, he or she shall be deemed to have resigned.
**Satisfactory excuses for absences are: medical emergencies or death in the immediate family* and/or serious illness in which you have seen a medical professional, jury duty, employment (i.e. – temporary shift change, emergency call in etc., not permanent) and/or any other legal obligations.
*”Immediate family” is defined as spouse, children, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters of the employee.
The President shall appoint such committees as the business of the Board may require. These committees shall consist of one or more members and shall be considered discharged upon the completion of the specific task assigned or at the discretion of the President.
Each committee shall make a progress report at each of the Board meetings. No committee shall have other than advisory powers unless the Board delegates specific power to act on its behalf, pending a subsequent meeting of the Board to confirm such action.
The Board shall appoint a qualified Library Manager who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library.
Purpose: The board of trustees establishes library policies and the Library Manager implements those policies in the day-to-day operations of the library. The Library Manager will report directly to the board, execute policies by the board and shall be authorized to develop the library program, establish the organizational structure, purchase materials and services, and undertake such other activities as may be necessary for the library’s operation, subject to the policies established by the board.
Key Responsibilities:
Shall be considered the executive officer of the library and shall be responsible for the administration of the library.
Shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the library, equipment and services under the financial requirements set forth in the annual budget.
Shall attend all meetings (except those at which the Library Manager’s salary is to be discussed or decided) and shall take part in the discussions, but shall have no vote.
As Executive Officer, the Library Manager shall be responsible for the employment, training, direction, supervision and evaluation of personnel. Library staff will be hired and terminated by the Library Manager.
Shall submit to the Board all reports requested by the board.
Shall actively assist all committees in the planning and execution of their responsibilities.
Is responsible to the Board for all properties and funds belonging to the library.
Shall make a monthly report to the Board.
Receive and expend funds according to the budget and/or cash procedures.
Advise the board on issues from policymaking to budget preparation.
Prepare draft budget for consideration by the board and prepare non-building grant applications.
Prepare periodic budget reports and reports on circulation statistics or other relevant data; prepare annual report for ultimate submission to the state library.
Oversee selection of all materials, weed materials, and advise the board on collection development issues.
Oversee maintenance of the grounds and buildings; oversee safety programs and federal regulations.
Interface with community members and groups to develop support for the library.
Shall follow all procedures on cash disbursements and receipts.
Shall be evaluated annually in writing by the board; such evaluation shall consider the performance of the Library Manager based on the goals set forth by the board at the beginning of each year.
Depositing all such monies in the name of the Library in such depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Trustees.
Purpose: Oversees the finances of the library by reviewing all monetary transactions, book and records on a regular basis.
Key Responsibilities:
Serve as financial officer of the library.
Work closely with the Library Manager in recording all expenses and budget report for the library.
Verifying the weekly cash receipts forms.
Assure that payment of all bills be made after approval of the Board.
Sign checks after the Library Manager writes them.
Acts as a custodian of all library funds and authorized user on all accounts.
The Treasurer of the Library is a paid position.
The treasurer will be paid quarterly during the pay periods that coincide with the end of March, June, September and December. If the treasurer fails to complete the weekly duties (in a satisfactory and timely manner) a minimum of 9 of the 13 weeks in each quarter, no payment will be made for that quarter. If the treasurer does not receive this stipend after two quarters in one fiscal year it may result in termination. They must follow appropriate Civil Service guidelines with this position.The Treasurer is bonded through our library protector insurance policy.
Interim Treasurer: In the absence of the Treasurer, the Library Board of Trustees can temporarily appoint the Library Manager to be the Treasurer until a new one is found. The Board of Trustees MUST actively pursue finding a new treasurer. All cash receipt and disbursement procedures remain the same except: The Library Board President will verify weekly cash receipts forms and deposit all monies in the name of the Library into the Library’s accounts. And any other duties that come up during the Interim treasurer’s term where the Treasurer is supposed to review after the Library Manager or work closely with the Library Manager; these duties will be done by the Library President.
Purpose: The CPA/Accountant joint with the Library Manager ensures that current records are maintained, reflecting the financial condition of the Morrisville Public Library. These records will include cash, investments, accounts receivable and other assets, accounts payable, and fund balances (net assets).
Key Responsibilities:
Ensure that accurate books and records on financial conditions are maintained.
Ensure that comprehensive financial reports to the board are prepared in a timely and accurate manner.
Ensure that complete records are available to the individual or individuals preparing the annual financial statements.
Monitors the library budget.
Assure that the library is following appropriate financial policies and that the Library Manager and/or other qualified staff perform financial functions.
Understand regulatory and legal requirements for financial accounting and standards of practice for nonprofit organizations.
Members of the Board of Trustees are covered by the Library’s Director and Officers Liability Policy, including their liability resulting from either institutional or individual lawsuits.
The Board may amend these By-Laws by a majority vote of all members provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent or delivered to each member of the Board at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
The bylaws of the Morrisville Public Library will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Trustees at least once every five (5) years.
updated and adopted November 20, 2015; updated and adopted September 15, 2016, updated and adopted May 16, 2023, updated and adopted January 16, 2024