Procurement Policy

Section I- Policy Adopted

  1. The Morrisville Public Library does hereby adopt the following procurement policy on November 20, 2014.

Section II- Conflict of Interest

  1. No voting Board of Trustee Member may be allowed to participate in the discussion and/or approval vote for any equipment, materials, supplies, or services where said board member, or an immediate family member, has a financial interest in the business or individual selected for the contract.

Section III- General Policy

  1. No manager, employee, trustee or other agent who participates in the selection or acceptance of a contract for equipment, materials, supplies, or services shall use such items for personal use.
  2. No manager, employee, trustee or other agent shall solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to agreements with the Morrisville Public Library (as per our Code of Ethics Policy.)
  3. No manager, employee, trustee or other agent shall solicit or accept any equipment, materials, supplies, or services that have not been approved by the Board of Trustees in the annual budget without prior approval of the board.
  4. If a contract is competitively bid, the Board of Trustees will enter into a contract with the winning bidder that specifies the equipment, materials, supplies, property, or services to be purchased and the payment terms.
  5. The Library Manager will evaluate each contractor at the completion of each contract. The evaluation will be brought to the Board of Trustees to be utilized to make decisions to award future contracts.

Section IV- Acquisition Procedure

  1. When any plan for financial works will exceed 20,000 dollars, and when planned purchase contracts with expenditures of over 10,000 dollars are required, the Board of Trustees must call for the advertisement and collection of sealed bids.
    1. If the planned works will not exceed the above listed amounts, the Board of Trustees may hire any equipment, materials, supplies, or services deemed necessary.
  2. A public notice of bidding must be advertised at least 5 days in advance of the established date of the opening and reading of the bids.
    1. Notices must be published in local newspapers and must include the time and place where bids can be received. As well as any official designation on how bids are to be submitted.
  3. If more than one bid is submitted, The Board of Trustees may vote in a resolution, requiring 3/5 of the vote, awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.
  4. Any surplus or second hand material may be purchased without requiring bids.
  5. Files on all quotations solicited and offers or bids received along with any criteria for selection must be kept by the Board of Trustees. In all instances in which the lowest bid is not awarded in the contract, justification for the selection must be contained in the file. (see Article 3, section 7, subsection 5 of the by-laws).

Failure to follow policy or abide by established duties of a Trustee/Officer, as declared in the Library Mission Statement and By-Laws, may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Trustees which may include forced removal from office or the Board.

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