Morrisville Public Library provides public access to the Internet in keeping with its role in providing equal access to information and resources to meet the educational and recreational needs of the community.
The library has no control over the information on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. As is the case with other materials in the library’s collections, any restrictions of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Adopted 5-16-96
The library reserves the right to set time limits or ask users to limit their time on the computer. The library staff reserves the right to adjust computer time and scheduling as necessary.
Addendum adopted 9-20-2000
Because we have a limited number of library computers available, patrons who need to use them for school work or research will have precedence over those who are using them for recreational activities.
Patrons must pay for any additional pages printed after the first two.
Internet Filters
Morrisville Public Library complies with state and federal law mandating the use of filtering software in public libraries. Internet filters are software programs that block access to content that is considered to be inappropriate for viewing in a public place. At MOPL, the filter blocks images for adults and sites for children and teens that depict pornography.
MOPL’s filtering software is not intended to block artistic/literary sites/images or sites/images that provide scientific or medically accurate information regarding general, sexual or reproductive health.
No filtering software is totally accurate. Filters may falsely block material that is appropriate in a public library setting or they may fail to block access to illegal or pornographic material. Patrons may consult with the Library Manager to unblock a specific site. Morrisville Public Library will respond to questions and concerns regarding the filter’s accuracy by communicating with the Mid York Library System towards improving the product.
No filtering software can provide perfect security against explicit pictures. As with other Library materials the use of the Internet by a child (under 18 years of age) is ultimately the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.
Internet access to staff computers is filtered per CIPA regulations. Adopted October 16, 2007 Amended: June 16, 2009
Failure to follow and abide by this ENTIRE policy may result in disciplinary actions by Library Staff or the Library Manager, as stated in the Library Rules of Conduct.(adopted March 19, 2015)